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what the shig?

email one:

Could you email [B] an invoice for $250 speaker's fee plus 438 in mileage (they probably do whatever the tax allowance is now $38.5?)


[my CEO]

email two:

Hi [B],

I can fax you an invoice shortly if you like. What name and address should I use, and what is your mileage reimbursement rate? Thanks!


email three:

Thanks for your note Maria.

Our fax number is 216-368-5542

I am forwarding this on to [S] who handles invoicing.


email four [thirteen days later, after no response]:

Hi [B] and [S],

Shall I assume you would like an invoice faxed to you? Should it be addressed to [your department], or to [the university]? Thanks in advance.


email five:

Yes you can fax the invoice to me at [xxx-xxx-xxxx]. [Your CEO] should put her name, address, phone number and social security number on the top of the invoice and address it to [our department]. Thanks.


email six:

Maria: I received the invoice. Thank you. However, it needs a little revision before I submit for payment. You cannot list consulting and honorarium as 2 separate categories. It should be listed as an honorarium because [your CEO] is not contracted by [our department] as a consultant. So if the honorarium is $250.00 then the other charges must be for travel. I need receipts for gas, etc. and I also need the mileage (we pay 0.34 cents per mile). Thank you.


email seven:


This was the information I was trying to find last week [mileage reimbursement rate, etc.]. Since no one got back with me, I assumed that there were no particular guidelines. I will create a new invoice. You can throw the old one out.

The only paperwork I have is a mileage voucher for 438 miles driven. I will fax this along with with the new invoice. Thanks.


email eight:

Sorry about getting back to you so late but I was out from Wednesday on last week and did not open your e-mail until yesterday.  All you have to do is state the mileage at 34.5 cents per mile (I think I gave you the wrong rate).  If there are no gas or hotel charges then I do not need any receipts.  Thanks for your help.


email nine:

Maria: I received your latest invoice - I am sorry but it needs to be revised again. You have 2 charges for honorariums $250.00 and $151.11. What is the $151.11 for? If it is part of the honorarium, you have to charge 1 fee not 2. In other words, the charge for the honorarium totals either $250.00 or $401.00. Let me know.


email ten:


Our accounting program groups "Honorariums and/or Travel Reimbursements" under one charge code. The $250.00 is for [my CEO's] speaker fee, and the $151.11 is for her mileage [438 miles @ $34.5 per mile]. You can classify these any way you prefer. The total invoice is $401.11. Call me at [xxx-xxx-xxxx] if we need to work this out further.



i mean... come on. i try to get information and no one responds. i send an invoice and go figure -- it's not up to par with their mysterious guidelines. give me all the information i need and give it to me all at once!!! what is your problem???
Posted on Thursday, December 2, 2004 at 02:30PM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments6 Comments

Reader Comments (6)

tmi... wtmi!
Dec 3, 2004 at 10:34PM | Unregistered Commenterrachel
this is my work life.
so irritating.
Dec 4, 2004 at 12:07AM | Registered Commentermdog
this has to be one of the longest posts in the history of the world.
Dec 5, 2004 at 09:36AM | Unregistered Commenterrachel
i dunno. the citibank one has it beat, i'm sure.

i guess i'm the only one irritated/amused by the interactions?
Dec 5, 2004 at 02:33PM | Registered Commentermdog
I feel kind of lightheaded. :o

Dec 9, 2004 at 07:14PM | Unregistered Commenterhappyhearn
too freaking whacked funny!
poor poor doogums!

Dec 21, 2004 at 04:59PM | Unregistered Commenterlana

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