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i love derek webb.

i think i'll be pre-ordering mockingbird. anyone want to offer a donation of the dvd? or a sticker for my ailing bible...

i really, really like his stuff. she must and shall go free and i see things upside down are simply phenomenal. theological, creative, challenging. not fluffy and happy; not depressing, either. often, tongue-in-cheek with a point.

i like it.


i am my beloved's and my beloved's mine
so you bring all your history and i'll bring the bread and wine
and we'll have us a party where all the drinks are on me
then as surely as the rising sun you will be set free

- "lover," she must and shall go free


just keep selling truth in candy bars
on billboards and backs of cars
truth without context, my favorite of all my crimes

- "ballad in plain red," i see things upside down

Posted on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 11:40AM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Oh yeah. I can't wait for this one either. I really do *heart* Derek Webb. I know I say that I *heart* things so often that it's lost all meaning, but I really am serious about DW.

However, I gather that I am supposed to be scandalized by the quote-unquote "new direction" of Mockingbird and yet I'm just...not. I actually love it. Oh well.
Nov 21, 2005 at 09:42AM | Unregistered Commentermeegs

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