notebook of joy
okay. so. i've finally uploaded and labeled pictures from my new toy... so, i can SHOW you what i've done out west. now, i just need to WRITE about it. someday.
but until i come up with clever and witty banter for your reading enjoyment, i will entertain you with an abridged list of amusing, suggestive and/or completely out-of-context quotes from our tiny spiral-bound vacation quotebook:
i like your mom's pepperiness
can i rub you anywhere?
this is a notebook of joy
no one ever listens to me!
you know, if i had the proper ear protection, i think i would really enjoy playing the cymbals
he's got this creepy i'm-about-to-rub-against-you vibe
i'm all about hot stuff
excuse me, miss, is your travel companion retarded?
how'd ya like to shingle THAT church?
stripper cock pot?
he's a cow in drag
a nude little ranch?
that's a horrible thing to do to your peppers
subliminal porn
have a purpose-driven bowel movement
so... are we SUPPOSED to go boring?
that wasn't funny. why did you let me do that?
don't touch my nunchucks
aside from the vomiting waiter...
i'm afraid for my brain sometimes
pap john's?
pardon me while i find what direction i'd like to take for my travelogue...

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