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note: i have been catching up on dooce archives for entertainment and, holy crap, there is just so much reading to be done. so if i take to using excessive caps and exaggerated metaphors in future posts you'll just have to bear with me because I SO TOTALLY DON'T CARE.

someone please tell me: HOW IS IT ONLY TUESDAY??

7:48am: wake earlier than usual to both accommodate auditors and also visit the post office to send international mail

8:19am: find that the miniscule screw for sunglasses has fallen out YET AGAIN

8:21am: find that the post office does not open until 8:30. DAMMIT.

8:29am: arrive at work one minute shy of audit hell

[8:30-12pm]: field requests for reports and information from auditors' various questions to which i may or may not find sufficient answers

10:33am: post entry in sheer frustration and helplessness

12:02pm: see auditors leave for lunch

12:02:18pm: get the hell out of the office for lunch

12:10pm: wait in mcdonald's drive thru. ice caps melt, subsequently freeze, civilization rebuilds

12:29pm: find that the post office is closed from 11:30 to 1:30

12:29:07pm: find head exploding in meaty angry chunks

12:31pm: arrive home to scarf quarter pounder meal

12:44pm: nap with ferocity

1:02pm: return to office not very much unlike a trapped, caged animal

[1:02-5pm]: see [8:30-12pm]

1:08pm: feel overwhelmed with responsibility and lack of answers

1:09pm: post entry in grumptastic frustration and helplessness

2:21pm: check voicemail for umpteenth time

3:32pm: wonder aloud HOW IS IT ONLY TUESDAY??


5:13pm: request and receive from willing friend extended hug to combat extreme grumpiness

5:27pm: arrive home

5:28pm: nap

7:56pm: post entry in groggy grumpiness

Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 07:56PM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

here's a cyberhug {{*HuG*}} if it'll help.

i too wonder how it's only tuesday.
May 10, 2005 at 09:19PM | Unregistered Commentermar
Okay, sorry about the post on your last blog. I'm in a weird mood. Thanks for the invite the other night... we were not home as you figured out. I like you. I think you are a great woman and my wife and I still want to hang out with you....

Tuesday's are hard when they feel like Monday's. Imagine if your friday's felt like Mondays... I like Monday... :O)
May 10, 2005 at 10:42PM | Unregistered Commenterpaul

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