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oh, the waiting

was/is anyone else a fan of the waiting? i've just rediscovered their unfazed album. i guess that's what happens when you start from the back of the cd collection instead of the front... i usually lose patience around the j's and k's. i remember the waiting as one of the first "ccm" groups i took a liking to when i first discovered the christian music scene [which, at the time, i thought was just the greatest thing since sliced bread. i've since gone through a severe disdain for it, and am now in a highly selective but relatively cordial relationship with the industry]. anyway. any other thoughts on the waiting? or on other artists or groups that are no longer around, but you wish they were?
Posted on Monday, May 16, 2005 at 09:41PM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments7 Comments

Reader Comments (7)

I just thought I'd post a comment.
May 18, 2005 at 04:02PM | Unregistered Commenterrachel
er... thanks. i was finding my entry title a little ironic.

i think i need to post a one line, cryptic entry. those always get a bazillion comments.
May 18, 2005 at 04:24PM | Registered Commentermdog
now maria... are you in it for the numbers?
May 18, 2005 at 04:25PM | Unregistered Commenterrachel
of course. if i don't hit my quota, unleashed will automatically self-implode. it's in the contract.
May 18, 2005 at 04:30PM | Registered Commentermdog
there's a contract?

May 18, 2005 at 05:18PM | Unregistered Commentermar
yup... uh huh. totally.
May 18, 2005 at 06:09PM | Registered Commentermdog
i don't know "the waiting" but the waiting, in general, sucks..

May 20, 2005 at 06:08PM | Unregistered Commenterlana

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