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somebody please tell me why i did NOT stop in for some donkey coffee on my way to work? i was running late anyway... i mean, really, what's another few minutes in the grand scheme of things?

and then i spy someone eating greasy fast-food breakfast yumminess in their office as i'm passing by. mmmmm. droooool.


it's NINE O'CLOCK, PEOPLE. what is my problem? [and the answer is, yes i DID eat breakfast, thankyouverymuch.]

is it inappropriate to take lunch at 10:15?

Posted on Friday, August 5, 2005 at 08:55AM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments7 Comments

Reader Comments (7)


it is decidedly appropriate to take lunch at 10.15am at least once a year.

but please take note: in california it is only 7:53.
Aug 5, 2005 at 10:53AM | Unregistered Commenterrachel
yup. pregnancy. totally, uh huh.

for the record, i held off until 11:30 [8:30 in cali].
Aug 5, 2005 at 12:16PM | Registered Commentermdog
donkey coffee? nan desu ka?
Aug 13, 2005 at 01:10PM | Unregistered Commenterlana
donkey = local coffeehouse

Aug 14, 2005 at 10:33PM | Registered Commentermdog
does donkey equal ass-kicking coffee?
Aug 15, 2005 at 01:55AM | Unregistered Commenterlana
Aug 15, 2005 at 10:17AM | Registered Commentermdog
Aug 15, 2005 at 10:12PM | Unregistered Commenterlana

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