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diary of madness


2:16pm - rebuke by brother for lack of sufficient tire tread


pore over reviews for all-season tires within price range


7:32pm - place order from tirerack


8:28pm - load freshly shipped tires into car trunk / backseat


7:55am - greeted with aroma of freshly shipped tires in car

11:48am - call tire & lube express to ensure tire mounting service

5:05pm - arrive at t&le for tire mounting and oil change

5:06pm-6:32pm - wander around store, read book, make phone calls 

6:33pm - find that mounting was declined due to broken driver side studs

6:34pm - fume over wasted time


7:54am - greeted with aroma of freshly shipped tires in car

10:23am - call monro to inquire about mounting and stud replacement ["ah... we can try..."]

10:25am - call huddle to inquire about mounting and stud replacement ["sure thing!"]

10:28am - call cd to request lunch date and car dropoff assistance

11:51am - dropoff complete

11:53am - lunch location chosen

12:09pm - fire alarm at lunch location

12:11pm - plan b lunch location chosen

12:14pm - plan b lunch location closed

12:15pm - free potatoes acquired [don't ask] 

12:19pm - plan c lunch location chosen

12:31pm - plan c lunch location card machine non-functional

12:33pm - plan c lunch paid with cash 

1:02pm - return to office

1:03pm - pray nothing else goes awry


5:38pm - arrive late at repair shop; cd thinks i am waving at my reflection but there are still employees inside

5:41pm - relief that employees show grace, as they run the charge through and release car from garage

5:42pm - emerge one happy mdog 

Posted on Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 02:15PM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments6 Comments | References1 Reference

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    Response: bvdtqlxh
    uszbkina http://wbsrxlpy.com ttwzrvrt uomwsjpj dqhqnibl (http://alwlstin.com) [URL=http://tpbouari.com]zwazxtsw[/URL]

Reader Comments (6)

Dec 14, 2006 at 03:43PM | Unregistered Commenterpaul

6:45 p.m.. Calm dog who start barking wildly because someone is at front door of my house.

6:46 pm. Leave dinner on the stove to open front door and trip over said tires.

6:47 Say to myself, "What the #@#$ are these here for?"

6:48 Say to spouse, "What the @#$@ are these tires doing here?"

6:50 Pull burning quesadilla off the stovetop.

6:52 Start to roll tires into garage.

6:52.5 Realize that doesn't make a lot of sense... leave them there to give to mdog.
Dec 14, 2006 at 03:54PM | Unregistered Commenterpaul
6:45! hell, i could have gotten them shipped to my apartment if i knew they'd come that late. and that they didn't ask anyone to SIGN for them.

um. sorry about the quesadilla. thanks for all the trouble. now why do you guys still invite me over again?

i like the "6:52.5".
Dec 14, 2006 at 04:02PM | Registered Commentermdog
what the... you ordered your tires online? who does that? and how much was the shipping on that order?!
Dec 14, 2006 at 07:36PM | Unregistered Commenterrachel
holy madness, batman!
Dec 14, 2006 at 09:18PM | Unregistered Commenterrachel mcH
i know, it sounds dumb, doesn't it? but even with shipping it was somehow a pretty good deal. and i NEVER would have heard of it either, aside from a car/driving enthusiast friend who had recently done the same thing.
Dec 14, 2006 at 11:21PM | Registered Commentermdog

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