linky goodness
the following content found via the lovely suebob at linkateria:
I wasn’t wearing any freaking pants in a brightly lit garage on a dark night in front of all of my neighbors and just... well, after all that, what can I really say? However, I am not sure, really, that she saw the pantlessness, because she’s not that observant, and I was also behind the car for part of the time, as the picture illustrates. And maybe the other neighbors thought I was in a bathing suit? Maybe? It is warm here, you know.
[@ jonniker]
and also, a psa on net neutrality.
[@ savetheinternet]
and the following found via fightingforalostcause:
I’m embarrassed by public displays of piety: Isn’t that what it’s all about? I’m not just talking about FALSE piety, but sincere also. I don’t say things like “Praise the Lord” and cringe a little when other people say it around me. “Thank God” doesn’t bother me but anything stronger makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like to pray in public. I don’t always pray before I eat.
[@ internetmonk]
Reader Comments (2)
and i find myself with the same problem as internet monk & i don't know why.
i know! i was almost crying.
i feel like the internet monk as well. but i'm not sure it should be classified as a "problem"? maybe it should. i don't know, either.