i think my cell phone is starting to give up the ghost. once in awhile i'll pick it up and discover it completely silent. calls have come in but apparently it was on lunch break and did not want to bother me with such trivial matters. keypad suffers the same fate. tried calling voicemail as a test: no sound from the receiver, either. it's a quick fix; turn it off, turn it on, all is well and away we go. but that's getting old quickly. no one told me i'd have to be restarting my phone just like my crappy old gateway.
and i suppose this should tell me to go with a new brand, but... this one just looks so pretty. shiny.

we'll see what i actually end up with, and when. anyone have recommendations -- good, bad or otherwise -- on cell phone brands/models using sprint pcs service?
Reader Comments (7)
I had little piece of crap Nokias for years, and they never gave me one bit of problem. Then I *upgraded* to a Motorola camera phone. No battery life to speak of. The screen does this funky thing where the light flickers. Not particularly thrilled with the functionality. Then I lost my first Motorola (first cell I've lost ever in like five years of having them, which is REALLY good for me). So I got it replaced. Well, I've had the replacement for three frickin months, and Friday night it decided to die and now it won't turn back on. And it's not the battery or the charger. It's the phone and there's nothing they can do.
So now I have to go to Cingular (bastards) on my lunch break and pony up for a new phone. And I will be telling them: "NO MOTOROLAS!"
However, if I bought a new phone, I'd get the crazy cool model Bruce has with the digital video camera, still camera and streaming video downloads built in. I think it's one of the "Power Vision" phones, but I'm not sure which one. Of course, then you end up paying out the nose for Vision to use all of those cool things that you'll probably only use for a week. But hey, this is America darn it! We fought hard for our freedom to pay out the nose for a cell phone that will replace our cameras, televisions, dvds players, laptops, sofas and espresso machines.
paul, i had thought yours was a samsung. that makes me feel better, but then again, i've had two samsungs and i've only been in the wireless world for three and a half years. hmmm. maybe third time will be a charm?