it's tuesday!
don't worry, i won't be doing that for the whole week.
i think i'm having one of those phases where i find work to be a big waste of time. paperwork piling up, projects sitting half-finished [or half-UNfinished, i suppose, depending upon your outlook], problems to be fixed... and i look around at all these things and all i can think is, "ehhhh."
i get into these funks sometimes, though i've never pinpointed why. i like what i do, although as i mentioned to a friend this week, it's not exactly something i live to do in my free time. accounting isn't exactly "fun," but it's certainly not as bad as it may sound. what i definitely DON'T like is all the extra crap that has nothing to do with accounting, but is somehow inextricably linked to my job. medical insurance and billing issues? nightmarish. it's no wonder insurance costs are soaring in this country. end brief rant.
my mini-vacation can't get here soon enough.
Reader Comments (3)
Hope you're feeling less funky today.