it may be missing a rearview mirror, it may have some dead wasps hanging out in the back windshield, and it may certainly be in need of a serious washing and rain-x application. but as of 11:46am today, all 105,000+ miles of it is mine.
the only question now: do i use this "extra" monthly money to buy useful-to-my-life-but-not-exactly-necessary gadgets? or do i apply it to my outstanding student loans? hmmm.
Reader Comments (16)
Sorry, but I've never seen that perspective in print and think it needs to be represented ... it's a rarely known fact among females.
and i certainly hope you do realize the reverse is true, gender-wise.
using money wisely isn't necessarily about not having debt, it's about how you manage and leverage debt.
there are a lot of ways you can invest extra capital and earn a higher rate than what you're currently losing by not paying off debt more quickly. (e.g. saving money for a down payment on buying property in an underpriced market, investing in mutual funds, etc.)
muahaha! thanks for my laugh of the day. that topped the comment i received last night at the bar. i 'spose if i cracked $50k/year, my $40k in debt from college & grad school might seem relatively cheap.
and lance, no wonder i can't find a man. i certainly don't want to impose my debt on anyone else. maybe by the time i'm 62 and have finally paid off my loans, i'll find someone.
There are lots of people who have no understanding of money and do dumb things like retain credit card debt at 22% while making feeble attempts to put away money into a savings account that only returns 1% (which in reality is -2.5% because of inflation).
Debt is not a bad thing. Everyone takes on debt because they believe whatever they're taking on debt for is worth it. No one has to go to college if they don't want to, but it's general knowledge that over a life time, the benefits of having a college degree far outweigh the short term pain of borrowing money and paying interest on it.
as painful as the interest is on my five-figure debt, yes, student loans ARE relatively cheap. BIG emphasis on the relatively. thankfully it's the only debt i have [credit card is paid off monthly. be smart, people!].
mar - someday our debts will be paid off... just in time to make payments to nursing home care! :)
and modgo, perhaps we can pick up men in the nursing home. ;)