catch my drift?
so with the advent of my "new" work computer, i now have a sound card again. this morning's music of choice was a revisit of my co-worker's "jagged little pill". apparently i've never listened to some of the lyrics very closely. and by that i mean, i've never been able to understand most of the lyrics, what with all the screaminess going on. anyway, here's a sample from all i really want:
and i am fascinated by the spiritual man
i am humbled by his humble nature
what i wouldn't give to find a soulmate
someone else to catch this drift
and what i wouldn't give to meet a kindred
and all i need know is intellectual intercourse
a soul to dig the hole much deeper
and all i really want is a wavelength
all i really want is some comfort
i know, i know: here she goes again. but actually i make this entry in bemusement. [it's hard not to, with all the rage-y tuneful shrieking]. the line that really caught my ear was the "someone else to catch my drift" bit. i think that's a great way of putting it, at least for me. throughout the years, past and present, from both males and females, i have gotten comments to the effect that i am a bit of an enigma; that people don't know what to make of me. which, frankly, amuses me to no end.
perhaps it's a form of natural pre-screening process?
Reader Comments (10)
I too have been assigned enigma status by more than a few; its fun! :)
and: you passed the screening over ten years ago. no renewals necessary.