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i'm sure most of my readers are sick to death of hearing me beat the derek webb drum over and over again. but i will continue to do so because i believe he has much to communicate. and he does it well through his given medium: music.

from derekwebb.com:

"one of the things that excites me most about the future of our business is how easy it is becoming to deliver music to people who want to hear it. i heard a story once about keith green caring so much that people were able to hear and engage with his music that he gave it away for free, which was a very difficult and expensive thing to do at that time. it’s actually never been as simple as it is today to connect music with music fans. and i want people to have a chance to listen to 'mockingbird' and engage in the conversation.

so this is why, on september 1st, we’re launching freederekwebb.com, a place where anyone can go online and not just hear but actually download, keep, and share 'mockingbird' completely for free. In addition, freederekwebb.com will give you an opportunity to invite your friends to download 'mockingbird' in order to get them in on the conversation as well."


some of you may remember that when i saw derek play live a few months ago, his concert essentially consisted of playing the 'mockingbird' album straight through. and now, he is giving it away for free. at this point, some sort of alarm should be going off in your head: this guy really believes in what he is singing.

so, i invite you, dear readers, to join in the conversation on september 1st [it's a friday, in case you were wondering]. this guy is the real deal, and he needs to be heard.

Posted on Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 09:05PM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

heaven forbid that a singer actually believes in what he sings...

I thought it was all about the money... I mean the music... I mean the message.
Jul 29, 2006 at 11:00PM | Unregistered Commenterpaul
i know. crazy, isn't it?

if anyone wants to borrow any dw, let me know.
Jul 31, 2006 at 11:22AM | Registered Commentermdog

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