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"You make all things work together for my good."

i enjoy this song, though this repetition at the end is bothersome to me [well, for several reasons]. but i digress. theologically accurate? discuss.

Posted on Friday, October 30, 2009 at 09:09AM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments4 Comments

Reader Comments (4)

ooooo theology! I'll bite!

The question of if you can "run away from God" is always an interesting one. The issue of "perseverance of the saints" -- that you are "eternally secure." I personally think a Christian can reject God, but if you are worried about "falling away" it's not a issue, in that I don't think you can sin your way out of God's presence. Of course, greater minds that all of us have debated this for generations.

Of course, "You work all things together for my good" would depend on how you define good... but certainly it is a very biblical idea. I mean... it's a Roman's quote, I can't argue it. :)

I think it's a great song, and we should do it! You want to send it to Jake or me?

Nov 1, 2009 at 09:05PM | Unregistered Commenterpaul

i want others to comment, but i will say that if we started singing this at central, i have a strong suspicion that jake would change the line to "You make all things work together for our good"... just a thought.

Nov 2, 2009 at 08:34AM | Registered Commentermdog

Actually, for once, I think I"m going to claim that applies as a singular, not a just a plural (yeah, I know, hard to believe). I think on an individual level, God is at work redeeming all situations so that they can work for our good. Now again, we have to define "good." But I believe there is nothing that can happen to us that will separate us from God's eternal purpose for us (to become like Jesus).

Nov 4, 2009 at 11:01AM | Unregistered Commenterpaul

i still don't like singing the line over and over :)

Nov 11, 2009 at 09:43PM | Registered Commentermdog

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