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home stretch

welcome to Week 31 in Cancer Land! i am having a hard time remembering details from our current life of constant saturdays. i did start working from home on monday afternoon, which is notable. we had a 27 person conference call as we all navigate these new offsite waters. it was a little chaotic, but good to hear everyone's voices. at some point during the week, i worked out a way to use my old laptop as an extended second monitor, so that has helped my work efficiency quite a bit.

on wednesday, i was scheduled for an appointment this coming thursday with a radiation oncologist. if i do end up going forward with radiation, i am aware from others who have gone through similar treatment that it is very likely i will need to position my arms over my head, in order to get things lined up for proper zapping. i realized after making the appointment that i am nowhere near being able to do that, so i called my ohiohealth patient navigator for advice. i told her that i don't think i'm where i should be in terms of range of motion with my left arm, though i have nothing to really base it on. she agreed, she encouraged me to keep pushing myself on the stretches, and she put a call in to dr. h, who called me later in the week. "would you be willing to go out and see someone for physical therapy?" "yes, although i don't know how that all works nowadays!" she said she would put in a referral for PT, though she agreed with me that she isn't sure what, exactly, would happen. as for me, i discontinued the "once a day, ten times each" instructions on the physical therapy sheet i was given in my surgery discharge papers, and have been trying to do multiple types of stretches every couple of hours. we'll see where i am by thursday.

mostly the rest of the week was a revolving assortment of work, youtube, meals, neighborhood walks, board games, stretching, and tidying nooks and crannies i usually ignore. this morning was another Online Church While Doing Exercises In The Background, this time with central city. we took a walk in the sun and wind, and later ventured out to get a few supplies, and to support two of our favorite restaurants for indian food and donuts. right now, we've got the windows thrown open, and i am listening to the clickety-clack of the vertical blinds in the living room that i desperately dislike but for which i don't currently have a better solution; andy is outside, getting in the first mow of the season. sounds like spring to me. let's do this.

Posted on Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 02:50PM by Registered Commentermdog in | CommentsPost a Comment

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