early to bed
i think i'm going to go to bed at 9:30 EVERY STINKING NIGHT. i feel great.
been a little sick the last few days. funny how easy you take your health for granted, until your head feels like it's stuffed with cotton and your nose is dripping like a faucet. and you want to eat ALL THE TIME. OH MY WORD. i'm not much of a snacker, but when i get sick [non-stomach affecting type of sick] it apparently becomes my mission to ingest something every eight minutes or so.
off to get ready for work. maybe today, i won't feel like totally napping at 1:30.
Reader Comments (7)
feel better! get some rest!
I am jealous. And I've been sick too! What's up with that?
churchie - as i have discovered, there is NOTHING WRONG AT ALL with going to bed at 9:30. it's wonderful. especially when you're used to an 11:30 bedtime.
meegs - you CAN'T? yeah, i don't know what's up with all this being sick business. eh.
feeling much better today. felt awake and alert all day -- a welcome change for mdog. it was lovely.
i'm speechless..
Plus, I usually have a taped episode of Lost or Alias or The Amazing Race or whatever waiting for me at home, and God knows I have to watch it THAT night, lest I accidentally hear what happened before I have a chance to view it.
So it's really a combo of can't/won't and in that respect I guess I don't always really wish I could go to bed earlier. But I am tired all the fricking time. It's a problem.