"'In the time it takes to go buy a magic marker and find a piece of cardboard for a sign, those people could've walked into McDonald's or something like it and said "Could I work here?" and they'd gladly give them a job with benefits. They'll even give them a uniform to wear.'"
- from The A, B, C's of Financial Success by Barry 'I Built A Twenty-Five Million Dollar Church Building' Cameron, via kt
ah, yes! the answer is so simple! everything works neatly in theoretical white-middle-class-privilege land! funny, i have a feeling that if mr. cameron was said mcdonald's manager, he wouldn't give "those people" the time of day, much less a job with benefits. go here to comment, and for more background and commentary.
why do i have a feeling katie's small group book, though completely different in scope and topic, may be just as frustrating as the book my small group read last fall?
Reader Comments (15)
Crossroads Christian Church
6450 S. Hwy 360
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
so what about the fact that 50% of the homeless population of lynn county, iowa are children? oh, if only their parents would suck it up & get jobs.
We are running the risk of being just as judgmental as he sounds.
Maybe he's a good man. He just doesn't have all the information.
I'm trying to keep an open mind that something good can come from this book.
Even if said homeless person were to get a minimum wage job at McDonald's does he have any idea how far below the poverty line such a job would leave him? I'd guess he'd barely have enough to make rent let alone the tithes required by his church.
And since when is spending twenty-five million dollars on a building good stewardship?
jared - so true.
ian - exaaaaaaactly.
I agree that this is not the most intelligent thing I have ever read... and yes, I think Jesus would be appalled at his vision/understanding of poverty... but let's be careful.
unless his face is on his book...
Then that is another story and he deserves to be pummeled.
Does that count?
Plus a picture of his 25 million dollar complex. (Including 2 fountains and a glass encased showroom of 6 model trains).