due to a scheduling quirk, i just got back from a dentist appointment, and will be going to the eye doctor later this afternoon.
i feel like i'm getting a tune-up.
due to a scheduling quirk, i just got back from a dentist appointment, and will be going to the eye doctor later this afternoon.
i feel like i'm getting a tune-up.
Reader Comments (7)
Just beware their sticking that plunger thingy in your eye.
watch when they change your oil... look for one of those diva... oh, nevermind.
get an eye patch. that would be sweet...
sarah - plunger? no plunger. the yellow eye-numbing stuff KILLS me though. that and the million candlepower miner's light he shines clear through my head.
paul - there are SO many comments i am holding back on here.
kevin - the closest i got to an eye patch was an offer of a sunshield. i, uh... decided to pass.
i feel like i need a tune up.
Did you ask the Eye doctor if he would like a tic tac
i did not. nor did i ask if he was looking at my soul. but i did ask him 'so is this the part where you shine the sun into my brain?'