double take
it's official
- february: the still-strung lights and garland have now crossed from quaintly "festive" to simply "tacky".
- super bowl commercials: as with snl, i will remember the good old days.
- weather: cold.
- lists: boring.
[- just for tjb: dude. you really need some airborne.]
- Do we base our extension of tenderness (particularly physical) on our perceptions of other people? Meaning, are we naturally more gentle with petite, thin women than big-boned, sturdy ones? Or does that change if the big-boned girl is emotionally fragile? If the thin girl is spunky and street-wise will I be less likely to treat her with gentleness because, hey, she can take care of herself?
[via val at notesalongtheway]
"so, what country are you from?"
i'm accustomed to getting things like what's your background, where are your parents from, what's your ethnicity. it was the abruptness and particular wording that threw me off today. we stepped onto the elevator and the door was barely shut before the 50-or-60-ish woman asked. and the casualness was disconcerting, as if, clearly, i must get this question all day long. do i look that different? interesting.
getting old already
i suspect another year where it snows every single freaking sunday until further notice.
speaking of which, would you buy a book if i wrote one? why do you read this thing? i'm taking a survey.