thus far:
- made sherried mushroom chicken [holy mother -- it was good]
- cleaned resulting kitchen mess
- took out the trash
- did two loads of laundry
- took down garland and lights [yes, i know -- it's now mid-march]
will be:
- making a few phone calls
- reading bird by bird
work voicemail
on writing
back to basics
ds: ...and she was just breastfeeding, a blanket draped over top. no big deal.
me: i know! i usually don't even notice.
ds: people think it has to happen in a closet or something.
me: yeah, i don't get what the big deal is.
ds: people get really uncomfortable with it.
me: especially guys. i want to say...
ds: it's natural!
me: "these are not just for you!"
ghost in the machine
ponderings by proxy
The best *difference* I can come up with is that believing gives me a framework that gives at least some meaning to the world. It gives me some metaphysical pegs on which to hang things. It gives me a metanarrative (oh yeah, I just went there), if you will. It kind of makes me think of CS Lewis and his whole, 'I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.'"
Back then, we called it 'defending our faith.' I'm not sure what I call it now."
i have nothing clever to write. gmail chatting has been pretty representative of my week though, so i will subject you to this. because i can.
sf: I dislike the Blogger system, I can never type the randomly generated letters right the first time
me: I KNOW
i feel brain damaged when that happens
me: is it a w? or two v's? p? q?
sf: lakjyewsex
me: how are things? i got your "happy christmas" text... in... january?
sjl: wait a second.
which happy christmas text?
the actual mail?
me: no, cell
sjl: ah yes! intentionally in January
me: i think that was you?
sjl: I think the text messages are fairly immediate
me: i figured! you are funny
so what is the deal with those? they cost the normal $.10?
fyi i am not wearing pants at the moment..
sjl: I believe that it costs me about $0.20
my gmail status: working...?
sf's gmail status: writing...?
me: dost thou mock my gmail status?
sf: LOL... well, only if it weren't true
I am trying.. to write.. but
it's not happening
me: you're writing now!
sf: Good point
me: i suppose this doesn't count.
sf: not unless I can just plug in this transcript where the conclusion of my sermon is supposed to go
me: do you think anyone will buy a book of random gmail chats?
sf: we could just put it on screen
it would be like an abstract piece
me: i love it.
"and now i leave you with this... i don't think it needs any explanation"
sf: LOL
me: stand for closing prayer
sf: Let's worship together
b: the only thing is that it's one of the few complexes that allows animals
(no rabbits though :( )
me: so, rabbits don't count as "animals"??
b: get this...
they're exotic
me: um...
b: "no exotic animals (snakes, rabbits, ferrets)"
me: they're freaking rabbits.
b: I know
me: wtf
b: if you can catch one in the parking lot outside, they're not exotic