rhetorically doubtful
so do attractive people ever wish they were referred to as "the one with a 'great personality'"?
[via lemonscarlet]:
[via audioblitz]:
And this is one of my plants, who I have named Christina Aguilera, because she is beautiful in every single way.
nalgene schmalgene
i'm pretty sure the bike attached to the subaru i followed in this morning had a rolling rock glass in its water bottle holder.
so i have had this very large stack of cards sitting on my coffee table for a week or two. before that, they were sitting on my bedroom floor for months. and before that, they were cramming my file drawer to capacity, until i finally faced the fact that something needed to be done since i could no longer fit a 4" x 4" water bill into the files.
thank you cards, birthday cards, christmas cards, no-special-occasion cards, oh my god: so many cards. not to mention the occasional letters and wedding announcements... and i must make note here of the unclassifiable deliveries and packages via rachel, mailed from her various places of residence in the past several years.
i had every intention of getting the stack down to a manageable size. i mean, really: isn't it a little ridiculous to be taking up all this space with hallmark greeting cards? however, for better or for worse, this is an area in which my practical nature breaks down and gives in to sheer sentimentalism. somewhere between the records of oil changes and notarized title receipts and files of instruction booklets for various fixtures and gadgets, i have an entire hanging folder officially dedicated to my mushiness.
the pile has been whittled down, but not by much. i either have some sort of problem, or i have too many thoughtful friends. maybe both. seriously, i cannot get rid of these things. while this may merely be a symptom of Pack Rat Mania, i'm also finding it to be a testament of the journey and of those who have held me up along the way.
excuse me while i find a box for this stuff.
sent items or inbox?
you'll never really know, will you?
so when you called i was in the middle of changing out of my work clothes, and the entire time i was talking to you i had no pants on.
i thought it was too disturbing to mention. then i decided it was too awesome NOT to mention.
this is why you love me.
when i haven't been listening to my endless loop of nickel creek, i've been digging the album pressure chief by cake. if you don't know cake, go here and listen. [really... go do it. and try "wheels" first]. if you don't like cake, there is something seriously wrong with you and we can no longer speak to each other. i am sorry.
bluegrass thrash
and thus i have dubbed the unique genre of nickel creek.
in what other concerts can you expect to hear renditions of anything ranging from short people to bach? NONE, i tell you. none.
wow. freaking awesome.
detox 2
reading last night's post this morning, i realized it sounds like one of those It Must Be God's Will commentaries. it has been a running gag between katie and i for a few months now that every happening and coincidence, no matter how large or small, is met with a reverent and breathy "it must be God's will".
lest i be struck down by holy lightning, i want to point out that i've no beef with God's will, or in believing that it does, in fact, exist. the problem i have is when we, in all our mortal wisdom, assume we can predict it, quantify it, put it in a nice tidy box. if my own campus experience is at all a reliable sample, i suspect that a majority of christian students across this great nation spend much of their time trying to "find God's will for their life".
noble, but arrogant.
not that i'm pointing fingers; i've certainly done my share of sacred guesswork. but at this point, unless i've got a shiny angel or a parted sea or a booming voice thundering down from the heavens, i'm going to assume that God and His will are going to find me soon enough. it's not a mathematical formula to solve, nor a future event to predict. it's the unfolding of something so grand, so perfect, that it makes absolutely no sense at all. it seems it's not until you pause and look back upon the path you have walked that you see the madness taking shape into something beautiful, even as you stand in a scattered sea of puzzle pieces. you recognize all the stupid choices you made, and you acknowledge the healthy ones too; and you realize through the pain and the joy of these decisions, that amazing grace abounds.
instead of trying to find God's will, our time would probably be better spent reflecting on it.