have a fun vacation! give rachel mc my regards!
thanks, i will! maybe i'll call you, and we can have a "group picture". ;)
Enjoy your vacation. Tell kt and Rachel I said hi.
And buy me an expensive birthday present with your raise. :P
Have a wonderful vacation. Safe travels! Tell me how the Dukes of Hazzard routine works out for the two of you! Congrats on your raise!
have a great trip mdog!!! love you!
Reader Comments (5)
have a fun vacation! give rachel mc my regards!
thanks, i will! maybe i'll call you, and we can have a "group picture". ;)
Enjoy your vacation. Tell kt and Rachel I said hi.
And buy me an expensive birthday present with your raise. :P
Have a wonderful vacation. Safe travels! Tell me how the Dukes of Hazzard routine works out for the two of you! Congrats on your raise!
have a great trip mdog!!! love you!